
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

In the beginning

At the start of the semester, I remember we talked about how ecology and economy could be (and in my opinion are) greatly related to one another; in a way that goes beyond sharing the same root "eco". Here is a cool Newsweek article that shows the relationship. In particular, the article shows how the recent volcano eruption has impacted international business.


Chaz said...

He visto y he liedo en esta semana en cuanto al volcan en Europa. Fue muy interesante que una montaña pudo causar en problema tan grande. Es verdad que la naturaleza efectua la vida de nosotros. Creo que siempre será así, tenemos una conneccion que no se puede quebrantar.

Beau Shaw said...

The economy and ecology are related also because of things like bugs. If, for example, you are trying to grow grapes in Chile to sell to the USA and there is a infestation of bugs that eat all your grapes then you are going to lose all your crops. Therefore your economy is down because the of the ecological effect on the grapes. It's the exact opposite with mass producing livestock. They eat up all the fields and destroy the land because you drain all the nutrients from the ground to get some money in your pocket.