
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Avatar and Everden

I was just thinking today that if Neil Everden were alive and kicking that He would most likely enjoy the movie Avatar. I like millions of others saw and liked it but was not overly impressed, perhaps because I had heard so much about it that I made it something that had to blow me away or it was a failure. Anyways, in discussing the work by Everden The Natural Alien and hearing about how Everden thought that medical professionals in earlier times were cutting the vocal chords of animal subjects and that today we are cutting the vocal chords of nature, I thought He would be thrilled to see a movie that said that every organism was connected and that there was a race or species that were self-appointed guardians of maintaining the delicate balance within.

I do not agree with much that President Obama is doing but in his State of the Union address given he said that global may or may not be true but that one thing is for certain, we are all responsible for matters that are plaguing the earth.


Beau Shaw said...

I really like the comparision that Avator does with Nature. I also like what everden said about becoming one with nature because in Avatar that's what they do. They conect their "tail" things and join their minds together and become one. Everden wants us to be one with them and not cut the vocal cords of nature. In avatar they let nature express themselves and really begin to live with nature. I bet that Everden is a Avatar or at least would be.

Reina said...

I'm sure that Evernden would especially like the idea in Avatar about the connection that the indigenous people seem to have with Nature. That hair part of them that connects to their brain which unites them with different animals as well as 'The Great Mother' would be an interesting addition to the ideas of Evernden. The fact that they had a connection that is tangible rather than one of the soul which cannot be seen or touched is an interesting representation of how we are connected.