
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Perpetual To-Do List/Experimento

Does anyone else feel like the've got an inversion-like haze in the brain that prevents them from knowing for sure if they're on top of things? My brain is so foggy, to the point that the only remedy is constant syllabus consultation and to-do lists that I remake every other day. (I feel sort of guilty about the to-do lists, because it uses up more paper than is necessary. Maybe when my computer gets fixed this weekend, I'll start having electronic to-do lists.)

Eso me trae al experimento asignado. Pienso que mi experimento será cerca el uso de desposables... como toallas de papel, silverware de plástico, etc. Toilet paper might be a problem, because I don't have access to the water-shooting toilets nor the money to buy one. Are we allowed to have exceptions to our experiment? It might be just as wasteful, if not more so, to shower after every bathroom use as to use TP. Hmmm.


preston langeland said...

That is the story of my life, except that I have given up on to-do lists because I never do them. I have got to be honest, I'm not sure how you jumped to your experiment from that, but the more power to you. Good luck with that, I'm still deciding what experiment I'll do.

Dr. Erin Finzer said...

I just think that toilet paper has to be allowed... But you can buy the recycled TP at Whole Foods or use the Sears catalog (like they used to in the outhouses).

I keep an eternal to-do list on my clipboard. I try to use recycled paper (the backs of otherwise used paper).