
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Anuncios México 2010

UALR Gallery Opens Two Exhibits to Celebrate Mexico 2010
UALR’s Gallery Program presents “El Grito (The Cry for Independence)” and “Drawings of Mexico” beginning Aug. 16 in the UALR Fine Arts Building — a part of the Arkansas Mexico 2010 Celebration.
“El Grito,” exhibiting the work of more than 30  contemporary artists with ties to the Mexican-American experience, will be on display from Aug. 16 to Oct. 10. in Galleries I and II.  In Gallery III, “Drawings of Mexico” by Louis Freund, will be displayed from Aug. 16 to Sept. 22.
Many of these artists deal with issues of identity in a social-political context, including immigration — a poignant issue that often evokes a polemic discourse.  Artists are not shying away from this conversation and the artworks being created deal with notions of borders and boundaries.
Louis and Elsie Freund, who in the 1950s created the Department of Art at what was then Little Rock Junior College and grew to be UALR, traveled to Mexico to draw on location at many of the now famous archeological sites. This series of drawings feature The Pyramid of the Sun and Moon, Mitla, and Olmec sites.
The Arkansas Mexico 2010 Project is a university-community collaboration between the Mexican Consulate in Little Rock, UALR, the cities of Little Rock and North Little Rock, and the William J. Clinton Foundation. The goal is to encourage and coordinate local events that highlight the history of Mexico and United States-Mexican relations and to encourage the discussion of present and future bi-national development.
Support for this exhibition series has been provided by the UALR Art Department, UALR Friends of the Arts, and the UALR Office of Campus Life.
Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Following Labor Day, weekend hours of Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Sunday 2  to 5 p.m. will be in effect. The galleries are closed on university holidays.

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