
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

La guaracha del Macho Camacho

Entonces he estado leyendo el libro La guaracha del Macho Camacho, y quizas alguien entiende mejor que yo, pero pienso que es dificil de entender. Hay alguien que esta de acuerdo conmigo? Hay alguien que puede dar un resumen breve en el blog de lo que esta pasando?


Beau Shaw said...

I don't understand it as much either. I pick up things here and there and all I know is that the narrator is a guy that knows a lot about the movies/shows of his time and that he likes to ride in a guagua or bus.

Taldaean said...

Dude Beau you have gotten so much more out of this book than myself. I am nearly done with the assigned reading and still have no clue what I am reading. But yea he enjoys throwing in references every four words or so.

Reina said...

It seems to me that the more I read, the more it makes sense, but it is taking much longer for things to become clear than I am used to. What helps me the most is to let myself get lost in the rhythm of the words (even if I don't quite understand them sometimes) and wait for the excess of description fade to the background so that I can see past it to the very slow-moving plot.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for you guys. This is not an ideal book if Spanish isn't your first language and I can't even imagine how somebody went about translating it.