The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Disney and Environment.
I have been thinking throughout the course of the semester about the humanization of animals and inanimate objects while we have read stories like the one about the tiger that turns into a little boy after a woman nurses it, I think it was Juan Darien. I was just wondering what people thought about how in some Disney movies there are occasional animals, trees, or robots that experience human emotion and feelings. Does this, with the exception perhaps being robots and cars that talk, cause people to be more aware of their surroundings and try to watch after nature better? Or, does it make people think that nature can take care of itself without any human intervention? maybe I am just way off in right field? I don't know.
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No, I think you are on to something. I think it helps join our two "worlds" together by taking away the differences that most people don't see. Animals still communicate with each other and they still need to eat, sleep, be loved like everyone else. Peole don't realize that and think that the animal world is one to be feared, not understood. Disney helps us understand. :)
Sorry, I don't think that the animal world is to be feared, but most people do fear it. Sorry for the mistake.
Bueno a mi me gustan las peliculas de disney y como representan los animales. Pienso que n su inocencia. Digo que los animales pueden sobrevivir quizas mejor sin nosotros pero ya porque hemos hecho tanto daño a la naturaleza y los animales es necesario que intervengamos para protegerles.
I think that we relate to thing better when that have the same charataristics as us. I think that is why Disney creates animals, plants, and cars with human emotions. I could be as well and sub-tone of sorts to send us a message.
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