(my desktop image -->)
I've found more and more that during times of stress, like finals week, it helps me a lot to put up a picture of or relating to my "Happy Place". MY happy place is under water, interestingly enough, and that's what I have on my desktop.
Speaking ecocritically, I think it's interesting that the place that's my happy place is in water, usually outside. I don't picture myself in a swimming pool, but if I were given the choice to be in a pool or to be somewhere else so that I could de-stress (unless that place was on a massage table)I would choose the pool if I couldn't have my lake/river/ocean/etc.
I'm interested to know if the "happy places" of my classmates are also so-called natural places... any thoughts?
It seems like a watery place of rest only makes sense--me hace pensar en un regreso a sus origenes. We were all womb-swimming before we made it to dry land! Have any of you heard that newborn babies can swim? There's a clip in the movie Amelie of these baby breaststrokers.
One of my happy places is definitely a claustrophobic's nightmare: cocooned in a comforter, which also recalls origins...it also may tiene que ver con el hecho de que siempre tengo frio, even on this relatively springy day!
I have two happy places. One is a cave. The other is sitting at the edge of the wheatfield on my family's farm on the Arkansas Delta at sundown. I have another, too, which is on a small cliff on the Cumberland Plateau that cuts into the side of the plateau, allowing for a bit of shelter. To the side is a small waterfall. Whichever happy place I go to depends on what mood I'm in and what my needs are at the moment.
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