The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I was having a conversation with my aunt yesterday about her yard. There is a spot in her backyard where they can't reach hoses and sprinklers so the land is basically dirt and rocks with some greenery from weeds and other wild plants that are growing there. She was telling me that she thought it was ugly and that she and my uncle want to do some digging so that they can fit a pipe that will bring water to the area. Now, I grew up in Ohio and my yard was always green without us really having to water it because it rains so much in the midwest. I have become a major fan of pretty yards full of greenery because that's what I have become accustomed to seeing. But here, in Utah, we live in a natural desert and one has to water a lot to get the same look. Having said that, my aunt and I were discussing the benefits of leaving her yard as is. They could leave it as a naturally desert-like environ and it would benefit the earth by conserving water and preserving the natural habitat. OR, they could bring in water and change it into a very pretty and vibrant spot of land with grass and other plants. I'm not going to say if any one choice is better than the other. Both have their benefits and their downsides. It makes me wonder though. Should we change our yards and use up water for the sake of aesthetics or should we leave the land as is though it might not be terribly pleasing to the eye? What do y'all think?
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Very interesting Catherine. In my opinion it is alright to change landscapes to make them more beautiful. I understand where you are coming from, and I believe that we should be as wise as possible when we are landscaping to conserve as much water, and land as possible. I do a lot of yard maintenance during the summer, and I have done it for years so I have learned a lot about that. Like for example today I was going to go and put fertilizer on this big yard, and I was watching the weather to make sure it was going to rain after so we didn't have to use the sprinklers to get the yard wet with the fertilizer on it. However it was so windy that I decided not to because I didn't want to have the fertilizer blow away. I guess what I am saying is you can have a nice yard,and still be smart about conserving. I really like the rock gardens like the one as we walked to the class on last Tuesday here on campus, I thought was really nice looking.
Bueno soy de Las Vegas y muchas veces tenemos los mismos problems. Queremos tener un yard muy bonito con mucha hierba. Pero el problema es no hay suficente agua para hacer esto. Lo que hemos hecho en mi casa allá y en casi todas las casas allá, es quitar much de nuestro césped y reemplazarlo con rocas y cosas así. No tanto para quitar toda la belleza verde, pero suficiente para ahorar agua. Que piensa?
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