
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Arrancame la vida (la pelicula)

Did you guys know that there is a movie about this book that just came out in 2008. I checked at Barnes and Nobles, Best Buy and Blockbuster and there is no trace of it. (Blockbuster said it was in the computer but they didn't have it or couldn't order it. I actually after searching around you-tube found that they have the movie split up into segments or scenes and I actually managed to watch most of the movie last night.
The movie though, is not exactly true to the book. There are quite a few differences. For one in the movie Andres is portrayed as having only two outside children that are in contact with Cati and the rest of the family. In the book I believe there is a total of six. Also the whole story surrounding Carlos' death is different. In the movie Cati goes to some empty room where Carlos is laying on the floor dead and she goes over there and lays over him crying. Andres is looking from the doorway. In the book Carlos is brought to Cati's house dead in a car and Cati is assisted by having Carlos caried upstairs and put in the bed before having him taken back to his town to be buried.
I guess for a 2008 movie that would be shown all over the world (except  for Little Rock) they had to "tone it down" a little bit by not having Andres as portrayed as a complete "man whore" wit at least six illegitimate children and Cati being a little weird by dragging her dead ex boyfriends into her husbands house to say her goodbyes.


Lety Rios said...

No he escuchado a cerca de la pelicula pero a de ser interesante ver la peli y tratar de compararla con el libro.
Me gusto el final del libro, creo que algunos recibieron su merecido.

Megan McCain said...

It shows up on Netflix that there is a movie under the English title "tear this heart out". It gives a little synopsis of it "Epic in scope, this sweeping melodrama from Mexico follows the turbulent trajectory of Catalina Guzman (Ana Claudia Talancón), a humble country girl whose life takes a dramatic turn when she's wedded to politically ambitious Gen. Andres Asencio (Daniel Giménez Cacho). With her husband a presidential hopeful, Catalina sticks by Asencio despite his infidelities, but finds solace in the arms of a charming left-wing activist (José María de Tavira)(netflix)."But it always shows that is has an unknown release date. I am very interested in watching it! Maybe it hasn't come out on DVD yet!

Amanda said...

I've never heard of it, but on a different note, if you enjoy films in Spanish about latin american culture, I would suggest La Mariposa Negra. It's about the revolution scene and government corruption in Peru.

Katlyn said...

I was just watching tv and realized how much the story line of the book/movie resemble that of a tv program currently airing called "The Good Wife". It's about a woman who, although she is unhappy with her husband (who is a politician), she stays with him (or at least she has up until this episode). She finds herself in love with someone else, but still stays with her husband...just something to check out.

Caroline said...

Another interesting movie that is bit grusome and very heart touching is a Mexican film called "sin nombre". You guys should definately watch it. It is about a girl from guatamala who decides to take a journey "to the north" with her dad (to the U.S.) who has another family awaiting him there. Throughout the journey they must ride on top of trains and go through dangerous Mexico city where street gangs with tatoos all over their face are awaiting trains to stop in order to steal whatever they can from the immigrants. The movie is very "crudo" but as a friend of mine said who is from Mexico city, these things really happen there and I think it is good to be aware of the realities. The movie left me feeling kind of sick afterwards (literally) but it made me feel even more eager to pursue my career in learning more about the culture and helping in some way people in these situations. I am still not certain what I want to do as a career but I am double majoring in International studies and Spanish and even though it seems so dangerous I want to work in Mexico, I want to help, make a difference. I don't know!!!!!