
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wilderness Survival Schools

So as a post script to my last post, I just realized that there are Wilderness Survival Schools that teach people how to live in Nature. I think the nearest one is in Boulder, Colorado, but what a good investment for me! (Especially if I'm going to be vagabonding sometime in the future...)

Check it out! (Well, if you're interested.) It's an incredibly sustainable lifestyle.

My favorite school so far:

Other schools:


Reina said...

Oh, also, this is the course description for the basic wilderness survival class:

Roots Core Skills I

Roots Core Skills I introduces students to our school’s main elements, primitive survival skills, tracking, and awareness. In this week long course students will gain hands on experience and time tested information about survival shelters, primitive water filtration and gathering, and friction fire skills such as bow drill and hand drill. As we move into food gathering students will spend time harvesting and processing wild edibles, practice hunting skills with ancient weapons, and learning how to skin, clean, and cook their catch. Tracking and awareness will support all of these skills as we learn the skills necessary to becoming a member of our ecosystem, not an alien struggling to survive. A high intensity, experience rich, week designed to give students the strongest possible foundation for further learning. Students will also gain hands on time with rock tools, primitive water vessels, cordage making, and more. We keep this class small so expect more time doing than watching.

Cost: $650
Deposit: $200

It's a little expensive, I think, but I don't think that 'getting your money's worth' would be a huge issue. I may have to save up a bit, but someday I think I'll take one of these courses. :D

Dr. Erin Finzer said...

I really wanted to do this when I was in college. I'm sure there are programs around here that do this, too! Have you checked with REI? I always wanted to do a NOLS course, too. Maybe my daughter can do these things...