
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Experimento week 2

Cub Scouts was fun on Tuesday. As I said, the major part of my experiment was teaching the cub scouts about recycling, and on Tuesday we made art out of all of the recyclables. To my dismay only a few of the cub scouts recycled, but I was pretty impressed with that number. I asked some of them what they remembered, and the thing they remembered most was how if we recycle we can turn them into products and use them for other uses. My wife and I recycled, and are going to continue to recycle. I would really like to recycle on a regular basis, and I hope that instead of just "collecting garbage," the cub scouts will have some desire to recycle also. The art projects were really neat! One of the boys created a bird called "Clorox," of course the main body was a Clorox bottle, with pieces of paper as the wings and tail and beak, eyes etc. Another boy made a temple out of a cereal box. One boy made a photo frame out of a piece of cardboard, and egg carton shells as the border of the box. Another boy made a telescope, and a football player out of a listerine bottle. They were all really creative. It was good to show the cub scouts that they can make things out of recycled goods.

So I guess a moral of the story would be when my wife and I have kids, they will never be bored! :)

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