After a gluttonous spring break, I have decided that it is time for a cleanse and for me to begin my own eco-experiment, which is cutting out all meat for two weeks. So far, so good. My reasons for no meat are ideological, as well as practical. They are ideological in that I am still haunted by the image of cutting animals' vocal chords. Also, I am fairly well-read on the environmental impacts of large-scale ranching and grazing. For the most part, I have tried to stick to eating local, grass-fed and free-range, antibiotic-free meat for the past few years, but even these smaller agricultural practices have negative environmental impacts: production of methane, use of space that could be put to vegetal agriculture or wilderness, as well as petroleum usage for shipping.
The practical side of my vegetarian experiment is to increase the intensity of a diet effort to shed some pounds gained this semester due to lack of exercise from my skiing injury. I am also giving up wine and dessert and watching portion sizes. I'm also making myself go to the natatorium at least 4 times a week to swim (not my idea of fun exercise). I started this new regimen on Monday, and so far, so good on maintaining these goals.
The part of my vegetarian experiment that is not going so well is that I am not an enthusiastic cook and have not sought out ways to diversify my diet. On Monday, I had cereal for three meals. Yesterday, I had cereal for two meals and a Naked smoothie for lunch. I did make some tabouleh last night, which I plan to eat today and tomorrow for some variety. Tonight I am planning on making a spinach and feta omelette and am looking forward to some gazpacho this weekend.
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