
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Just kicking up some dust! I got to thinking about why I hadn't posted more on this blog, and it was partly because I didn't feel like there was an engaging conversation to be a part of. For me to feel really engaged in a conversation, there needs to be differing viewpoints. So here's one: climate change is a scandal. Do you buy into it?


Mark Nelson said...

Yeah, the issue can go both ways. I think that it has been blown out of porportion to the extreme. I don't agree that it is completly false just that it isn't as bad as "those" who make it out to be. I see that statistics can go both ways in favor and agaist the reports so its and interesting topic to research and create your own opinions.

Beau Shaw said...

I really like the video. I would say that global warming is just a scape goat for the unanswered problems that scientists have. I think that the slight change in global warning may "affect" things in nature, but there hasn't been a big enough change in global warning to actually have done anything out of preportion.
I also agree that the press just uses global warming to get better ratings. I really love the blog post though.

Chaz said...

It is really interesting this video and what people say about the global waring problem. I have seen commercials for example for WWF for the world wildlife federation and they show clips of a polar bear on a little piece of floating ice because there is nothing left. I wonder at times if things like this are just uses of retoric to get money for thier companys even if they are for good use.