
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bottled Water

Now I know Annie Leonard (narrator) may not have the best reputation amongst certain groups, particularly conservatives, because of her past videos. But I think this video is great because it shows in a very simple way the impact that bottled water has on the Earth. This was of interest to me because my term project is about only using renewable containers/items; bottled water obviously does not fit into that category unless you reuse that plastic bottle for something else (which I admit I usually dont). Anyway, I hope you enjoy!



Reina said...

I know! How easy is it to use a nalgene or a glass container? (I'm always a little afraid of using glass, just because I drop EVERYTHING and it would break.) That was my eco-critical experiment: using reusable or nondisposable containers and utensils (including napkins). It was more difficult than I thought it'd be for sure! The staff at Cafe Rio laughed at me when I brought in my own utensils and asked them to put my salad in my own glass bowl rather than their aluminum one... :D I DO love their chicken salads though.

Dr. Erin Finzer said...

Emily, my sister-in-law's partner takes her own utensils with her everywhere, too! It's really not a bad idea.
And I am also a huge fan of Cafe Rio's salads, but I like the pork barbacoa.