
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I was watching Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" tonight. He was in Nicaragua and went to Chureca and just sat and watched the trash pickers (some third generation). He talked about how upsetting it is to see that and how it makes him mad because he travels and tries new foods and has an extravagant life and then there are people out there who live like that. He also went to Managua and saw the place where people were tortured and treated like animals. Seriously, they were kept in a cage with animals. I thought it was great that there was an episode showing the real life in a country where most of the time only the beaches are talked about.

When I searched for a video of the episode, or even a small clip summing up the trip, I couldn't find one. The only videos I found were tourist videos and a clip of the Anthony Bourdain show, showing only a part where he at some food there. If there are any videos out there, they are hard to come by. I find it apalling.


Tom Pope said...

It is a shame that some people have to live like that, that's trure. But you have to remember that progress in the developing nations is sometimes forward and sometimes backward. It took approx 150 years for the U.S. and European nations to develop. America didn't leap forward until the 1950s. Before then there were pockets of grinding poverty here too. Latin America and Africa made a serious mistake when some of the political and social movements embraced Socialism. There are still several nations on those two continents pursuing that false promise even though Eastern Europe and Asia are moving away from state controlled economies. It's only a matter of time before they realize their error. Then, they can get on with the slow meticulous changes necessary to move forward again.

Amanda Guadalupe Burrow said...

The trip he takes to Panama also shows a lot off the beaten path and about the drug problems in the country. It was not just all the nice vacation spots!