The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
March ends here.
I am REALLY enjoying reading your posts! It was especially fun to hear from new voices, such as Joe A. and Jane. Those of you who have regularly participated since the beginning also generated a lot of food for thought. I responded periodically throughout March posts, so if you are interested, you may want to go back and see if I commented on your posts.
Keep the blog as a forum for news, musings and controversy! You all have really intriguing insights with respect to the environment and literature.
Profe's Experiment
The practical side of my vegetarian experiment is to increase the intensity of a diet effort to shed some pounds gained this semester due to lack of exercise from my skiing injury. I am also giving up wine and dessert and watching portion sizes. I'm also making myself go to the natatorium at least 4 times a week to swim (not my idea of fun exercise). I started this new regimen on Monday, and so far, so good on maintaining these goals.
The part of my vegetarian experiment that is not going so well is that I am not an enthusiastic cook and have not sought out ways to diversify my diet. On Monday, I had cereal for three meals. Yesterday, I had cereal for two meals and a Naked smoothie for lunch. I did make some tabouleh last night, which I plan to eat today and tomorrow for some variety. Tonight I am planning on making a spinach and feta omelette and am looking forward to some gazpacho this weekend.
Experiment Opportunity
Here's the web link:
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The Color Green
Sunday, March 28, 2010
symbolism in colors
A contaminant
Los Rios
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Wilderness Survival Schools
Check it out! (Well, if you're interested.) It's an incredibly sustainable lifestyle.
My favorite school so far:
Other schools:
I went mountain biking for the first time this week too. Does anyone in class do that? Holy cow! It was really fun but it takes some serious cajones! I did some fun drops and trails, but wow. Some people are crazy and really good at down-hilling. I'm not very good yet, but maybe someday.
Anyway, environmentally speaking, I was unimpressed at my ability to be energy and supply efficient. I'd like to go long-term backpacking eventually (when I'm out of student loan debt, that is) and if I do that, I'm going to have to learn how to live off the land MUCH better and to not have so much frickin' gear! It's not like I can haul around camp coolers while I'm vagabonding... that would just be silly.
Doctors Without Borders is coming to campus!
I'm not positive, but I thought that a couple of people in class are Pre-Med majors or would like to go on to medical school. Since it seems like we're all interested in Spanish-speaking areas (otherwise, why would we be taking Spanish classes?), I figured that maybe a few of you would be interested in this guest speaker.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Calamiento Global
Entre los anos de 1906-2005 la temperatura se creció de 0.74 ± 0.18 °C en esto periódicos. La temperatura subo doble en los últimos anos de estos datos. Cada decaed después 1979 la temperatura se crecio entre 0.13 y 0.22 °C (0.22 y 0.4 °F). El crecimiento es que la temperatura por 1 a 2 mil anos antes 1850 era bien, pero después eso la temperatura subió a niveles peligrosos. La NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies nos dice que el anos que fue lo mas caliente era 2005, otros dicen que era 1998 pero también contienden que fue por causa de “El Nino” que. Hay otros causas que nos da cuenta que hay calamiento global, por ejemplo, la gente en el mundo están manejando mas autos que antes y los autos se hacen aversión que afecta la temperatura mundial y también y el otro peracupacion es la populación de que las personas están creciendo que matando los bosques que ayuda el bajando de calor mundial. Los que se manejan autos internacional creció 50 por cien mas de 20 anos atrás. En los Estados Unidos los que manejan autos creció 20 a 30 por cien en los últimos anos. Las emisiones del auto están mejor que antes pero hay mas personas manejando y es un “wash.” Nos perdimos 40 por cien de nuestros bosques en los 150 últimos anos y 30 por cien de los desiertos perdimos. Por lo tanto, mas de todo es la basura que lo genero humano tirar en el océano y en las calles o por todos lados. Esta no ayuda a quitar la problema de calor mundial pero lo hace se peor. Hay una isla de basura semejante del espacio de Texas flotando en el océano. Hay otro teme que nos hace ser preocupados con calamiento global y es los glaciers que están de punto de fusión. Estamos perdiendo glaciers en el norte y pueden ser un problema en el sentido de diluvios.
Entonces, nos vemos que hay cosas pasando con el calamiento global pero como tan grave que es algo para disputar. Pero no hay espacio para discutir que no nada pasando no importa de que grado, pero sabemos que nos afecta lo que pasa con la tierra como que hacemos nosotros se afecta el mundo.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Elite 8
Fiji Water
La Calle Sesame
We all grew up with Ernie, Bert, Grover and the Cookie Monster. But did you know that Sesame Street has now grown to be “the world’s longest street”, working internationally to help children reach their highest potential?
In Kosovo, for example, Sesame’s producers recognized that it’s far from simple to create a children’s television show in a post-conflict region where people still feel the tension of recent violence. But that’s exactly what they did in 2004, working in partnership with UNICEF. The result - aired in Albanian with the title “Rruga Sesam” and in Serbian as “Ulica Sezam” – has become a powerful tool in healing rifts between the Kosovo-Albanian and Kosovo-Serb peoples as they move toward reconciliation.
This local approach has been repeated with similar success throughout the world, in places like Bangladesh, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine and South Africa.
You now have a unique opportunity to hear first hand how this process works to build bridges of peace around the world.
Gary Knell, the dynamic and highly acclaimed CEO of Sesame Workshop, will be speaking at Abravanel Hall next Wednesday evening, March 31, 2010 (7pm). His film clips and stories are fascinating. The International Children’s Choir – always a crowd pleaser - will join him on the stage.
Note that as College of Humanities faculty and staff, you can purchase tickets at the student rate (only ten bucks). Tickets are available through Art Tix:
There are lots of demands on your attention and time – but we encourage you not to miss this unique evening. In addition to attending in a fascinating and fun event, you will also be helping to support the Community Scholarships for Diversity Fund.
World Water Day
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Las Mujeres
blue eyes
sings well enough to make Ernesto nuts for her.
Su Padre
Lawyer, not based anywhere likes to roam
loves music, but can't sing and dances poorly
prefers to stay with the musicians and since the "indios" are most of them he stays with them.
interested in the Incas
14 years old
wanted to stop the "fusileros" from killing the "loros"
The Story of Stuff
Bottled Water
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Spring Break
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Aussie Musicians... Fan-frickin'-tastic.
Here's Dub FX feat. Woodnote in a song called "Flow":
and here's a Hip Hop Group called Hilltop Hoods doing "The Nosebleed Section" for a BMX bike video that I found on YouTube:
According to, unnatural means:
1. contrary to the laws or course of nature.
2. at variance with the character or nature of a person, animal, or plant.
3. at variance with what is normal or to be expected: the unnatural atmosphere of the place.
4. lacking human qualities or sympathies; monstrous; inhuman: an obsessive and unnatural hatred.
5. not genuine or spontaneous; artificial or contrived: a stiff, unnatural manner.
6. Obsolete. lacking a valid or natural claim; illegitimate.
Now, I'm not sure I know exactly when to call something "unnatural". If I think about something that is contrary to the laws of nature, like #1 says, then my first thought is that 2 different species cannot mate and produce viable offspring. (A bear and a snail, for example...)
However, when considering something (like this picture of a corset piercing) that is considered unnatural and therefore rechazado, I'm not sure "unnatural" is the right word to use. Don't get me wrong please, I'm not saying that everyone should go out and get corset piercings, bu I do think that it is human nature to push boundaries of what is and isn't acceptable behavior and to push against what is "normal and expected". All of the great artists, poets, novelists, and formidable personalities of history are considered great because they thought up something new and incorporated it into the collective conscious. Not only have they diversified our collective consciousness, making it more colorful, but they have asked us to question our beliefs about what is and isn't natural. They have asked us to question the origin of our ideas and encouraged us to think for ourselves that much more.
So, though I don't particularly want holes in my back through which I could pass a ribbon, I'm glad that someone did it. That way, I am able to appreciate the beauty in what was done, while simultaneously appreciating the grotesqueness of the act. I just hope this girl never gets in a physical fight!
Divertirse en la naturaleza, pero no suciarla
Okay, so, me voy a Moab para el descanso pero estoy preocupada un poco por tener que comprar agua en un contenedor plastico... para tener agua durante el viaje. Mi experimento ecocritico fue no usar cosas desechables, incluyendo botellas para agua, tenedores, servilletas, etc.
Pues, para el problema con el agua, pienso que comprare un "Water Wand". Por eso podre llenar mi botella de Nalgene con agua y purificarla en mi botella. No hay tanta basura y no tengo que usar tanta gasolina llevando 2 galones de agua en mi coche.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
El grafiti, hermosa o dañosa
Estuve yo no hace mucho mirando algunos de mis fotos. Tengo uno al frente de una pared pintada por grafiti. Me hizo pensar en la civilizacion vs. barbarie. Como nuestro libro que estamos leeyendo, "Los Ríos profundas," Ernesto ve la bellaza de las iglesias y esculturas que hicieron la gente antigua, la gente que mayormente vemos que viven o vivían el la barbarie. Bueno nosotros que vivimos en la ciudad no tenemos este bellaza pero tenemos bellaza dentro de la ciudad. Por eso hablo del grafiti, es algo que mayormente vemos como feo pero a veces puede ser algo muy hermoso. Como los indios antiguos es una expression de arte en nuestras ciudades, les voy a mostrar su belleza por la foto que voy a post. Y que piensan ustedes del "grafiti?"
Monday, March 15, 2010
Annotated Bibliography...
"The Gods must be Crazy!"
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Cazadores y el medioambiente.
The Headless Woman
Friday, March 12, 2010
La Niña de Guatemala
contar este cuento en flor:
la niña de Guatemala,
la que se murió de amor.
Eran de lirios los ramos;
y las orlas de reseda
y de jazmín; la enterramos
en una caja de seda;
Ella dio al desmemoriado
una almohadilla de olor;
él volvió, volvió casado;
ella se murió de amor.
Iban cargándola en andas
obispos y embajadores;
detrás iba el pueblo en tandas,
todo cargado de flores;
Ella, por volverlo a ver,
salió a verlo al mirador;
él volvió con su mujer,
ella se murió de amor.
Como de bronce candente,
al beso de despedida,
era su frente -¡la frente
que más he amado en mi vida!
Se entró de tarde en el río,
la sacó muerta el doctor;
dicen que murió de frío,
yo sé que murió de amor.
Allí, en la bóveda helada,
la pusieron en dos bancos:
besé su mano afilada,
besé sus zapatos blancos.
Callado, al oscurecer,
me llamó el enterrador;
nunca más he vuelto a ver
a la que murió de amor.
Al leer las leyendas de Guatemala me puso a pensar en esta poema de Jose Marti. Lo unico que tiene relacionado es el nombre de Guatemala pero pienso que es muy bonito como habla de la nina y como ella sufrio al saber que el hombre que mas amo habia regresado con otra mujer y estaban casados. No se exactemente porque Jose Marti lo escribio pero opino que es para nosotros una leccion de que debemos aprovechar de cada oportunidad de amar a las personas que mas apreciamos y no dejamos para manana las cosas que podemos hacer ahorita.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Rednecks for Rainforest?

Check out this book, Confessions of an Eco-Redneck: Or, How I learned to Gut-Shoot Trout and Save the Wilderness at the Same Time, by Steve Chapple. What would Guha say?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
100 ways to save the environment
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Now is the time...!!!
Una Palicula
Monday, March 8, 2010
Leyendas de Guatemala
Friday, March 5, 2010
Deer, Nature, and Avatar
One last note: I liked Avatar but I don't think it should or will win best picture on Sunday. I think the award will go to The Hurt Locker which was a very interesting film about the effects of war on soldiers. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it.
Yellowstone and life
In 1988 there occured a seemingly huge tragedy (aren't all tragedies huge?) in Yellowstone National Park. The previous years had not seen much moisture and the forest surrounding and engulfing Yellowstone was an older forest, a lot of trees had died and were rotting and not a lot of new growth had occured. The summer of 1988 was a record setting hot summer for Yellowstone which, when combined with the aforementioned circumstances, created the perfect storm for Yellowstone. Rains eventually came but so did lightning storms that ignited a blazing inferno that consumed a great portion of the wilderness. My family and I greatly enjoy vacationing in Yellowstone and were saddened by the loss, especially since we were part of the first groups allowed to enter back into Yellowstone after the fires had been contained. All I can say is that it was utterly heartbreaking to see the devastation. In 2008 My family and I had the opportunity to return to Yellowstone once again and this time there was a stark contrast to that fall 20 years earlier. The new growth was maturing, the park was as splendid and breath-taking as ever, and except for the recorded images, much of that scene in 1988 could not be seen. The only way that the new growth could have had a chance at developing and maturing was for the older growth to die and to have their nutrients returned to the earth. Life could not continue until the old died and people allowed the forest to perform its function. The forest knew what to do, just step back and let life show that it could overcome adversity and trial.
The message is the same for us. Sometimes I think we as a population and society feel like we are capable of solving the worlds problems, especially when it comes to mother earth and large scale issues. We may be able to change some things but we must also know that the earth is able to take care of itself, without the aid of humans. Life has a way of finding a balance and the more and more we fight it the more and more we are fighting against an inmovable opponent. So please let us all take a break now and again, it will surprise you what happens when we just stop mucking things up.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Ay... me mata.
Leyendas de Guatemala
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Experimento week 2
So I guess a moral of the story would be when my wife and I have kids, they will never be bored! :)
Magazine devoted to man-nature relationship: The Orion
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
El Global Warming
Climate McCarthyism
Monday, March 1, 2010
PBS videos
Bert also said that "Ghosts of Macchu Picchu" was outstanding and would be of interest if you like _1491_. You can find that episode on _Nova_ at . It looks like there are a whole lot of programs on _Nova_ that would be pertinent to our class!
Review for the test Cont...
Another question I have that maybe some of you can help me out with is the idea of ecologia profunda. From my understanding it is the idea that we need to change the human population, and high energy consumption. We should be more aware of economic and natural resources, and use them more so we can have a lasting globe.
Is Beatus Ille just a comparison to the simple life of someone who lives in the country and to the fast paced, confusing life of those that live in the city?
Can somebody help me recall the word Loor?
My understanding of the Falacia Patetica is any natural object that has humanistic feelings. Does anybody understand it different, and have examples from what we read about this?
Does anybody remember the word Silva, and what it means?
Thanks to anyone who participates. Maybe this will help us refresh our memories a little more in preparation for the test.
Welcome, March!
February's Super-Bloggers are Catherine, the two Prestons and Chaz. ¡Felicidades!
I will try to do a better job of keeping up with the blog more regularly this month.
Review for the test
According to Charles Mann, The Mito Pristino is basically about the culture in the Norte Chico region of Peru. Where they farmed a lot of cotton, and did a lot of fishing, and traded these substances. That's what I recall does anybody have anything to add to that?