
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Vegetarian Experiment: Week Two

It is the end of another week and I thought I would blog about my experience as a vegetarian. I am really happy that I chose this as my experiment for the class. I have learned an enormous amount about myself and my own health and the world that I live in. (I say the world I live in because I think that all of us, as individuals, live our lives in distinct ways though we physically live in the same state. etc.) The following is a list of some of the things I have learned.
1. Vegetarianism is an excellent diet. I have lost 3 lbs. in the last two weeks because the body burns carbs far more easily and quickly than protein. When it runs out of what I've eaten to burn, it moves onto the fat stores and that makes me happy.
2. Protein feels a lot heavier in the body than carbs, dairy and sugars. I never really feel full these days and I miss that happy full feeling after a meal sometimes. Though, I also enjoy never feeling overly stuffed and lazy.
3. I am hungry all the time. Because the body burns carbs so much faster, to keep up your energy levels, one needs to eat a lot more frequently to keep away hunger pains and keep up your energy levels.
4. My energy levels have gotten a major boost. Carbs, sugars and fruits and veggies are awesome for good healthy activity. I have been working a lot lately and I have been go,go,go the whole time.
5. I don't think that eating meat is a bad thing but I think that, as Americans, we overdo it for sure. There is no reason to eat meat at every meal. In fact, I think now that that is unhealthy. For example, bacon and eggs for breakfast, burger and fries for lunch, chicken and potatoes for dinner. Three different animals over the course of less than twelve hours. It's not good for your arteries and it's not good for the environment.
6. There is so much variety and so much access to different cuisines that we should vary what we eat instead of the same old tried and true recipes. I have found some excellent new things in these two weeks that I really like. (One of my new faves are Asian potstickers with tofu in sesame and olive oil with rice and veggies. Delicious!!!)
When I decided to do this, I set a two week goal and I have accomplished that. Before this, I don't think I had gone without eating meat for longer than maybe a day. I will end this experiment today at dinner. Thus I am not opposed to eating meat or to using those resources for our own nutrition. I am completely opposed now to excess, however. There should be moderation in everything including meat. Eating meat for no more than one meal a day and choosing healthier meats, more white less red meat, to better our health. As you can see, my focus is not so much environmentalism as it is human health. But I truly believe that if we are a healthier people than we will make a better environment. If we start to change ourselves and see success, we will also want to change the world around us for the better.
From here on out, I will try and be a more conscientous eater and I will make better choices. I will try for more variety and a healthier regime in my everyday life. I will throw in a few vegetarian themed days and cut back on excess. I will find balance and that will mean that I am in harmony with myself and with nature. Good luck to all of you and your experiments.


Chaz said...


Wow, duraste dos semanas sin comer la carne. Por algunas personas esto no seria nada, pero para mi seria un gran triunfo, y lo voy a hacer pronto. Me gusto lo que dijiste especialmente de comer en moderacion. A mi me encanta comer, creo que todos son asi, pero a la misma vez no debo comer tanto como hago porque no es bueno para el cuerpo tampoco es saludable para el medioambiente. Y tambien quisiera probar mas comidas different como tu. Me di cuenta despues de leer tu post que como casi las mismas cosas durante la semana, y hay tantas comidas en el mundo entonces debo probar algo differente.

preston langeland said...

One thought one your number 3-that your hungry all the time. I know that any change in diet, assuming one eats less than before, one will feel hungry as the body doesn't get the intake it is used to, but that usually within a couple weeks, the body adjusts and the hunger pains go away. At least that was my experience.

Taldaean said...

Also with number 2 while protein does help you feel satisfied, it is actually the fats in the food that the human body recognizes in the intestine(so it has to go through the stomach first which is why it takes some time to feel full) that produces that "satisfied" feeling. So all you had to do was supplement the meals that you felt the least satisfied with something a little more fatty to trick your body into feeling just as satisfied with a lighter meal.