What do you guys think, do we overeat as Americans?
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Los Gordos!
Estuve leeyendo en articulo por el internet por la pagina de "Forbes.com." Lo estaba leeyendo porque quería saber donde esta Los Estados Unidos en cuanto a su "GORDEZA" en comparacion con el mundo. Dice, "The U.S. weighs in at No. 9, with 74.1% of those over 15 years old considered overweight." (Forbes.com, http://www.forbes.com/2007/02/07/worlds-fattest-countries-forbeslife-cx_ls_0208worldfat.html) Entonces por todas las naciones somos numero 9 por ser Gordo. Lo que que me soprendio mas que esto es la estdadistica aqui que dice que 74.1% of those over 15 are considered overweight. WOW! 2/3 de nuestra poblacion esta overweight. No escribo esto para que sentamos gordos pero para mostrar que quizas a tener tantas "fast food, 7-11, pizza delivery etc. and busy schedules that we have as americans is such a great thing. Also as we continue to overeat we demand more produce to be grown and more animals to be killed. We ask through supply and demand.
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Chaz, thanks for your comments on my post. If I could do it for two weeks, you can too! In answer to your question, I absolutely think we overeat as Americans. I think most of us are guilty of this including yours truly and we really need to make better choices or we're going to spend our old age with Type 2 diabetes and heart conditions. Not only do we do horrible things to ourselves but we set horrible examples for our children. Just because we have easy access to more than enough doesn't mean we should indulge in it.
Una cosa interesante es que el America se conoce (pienso yo) como el pais gordo. "todos son gordos". Pero, hay 8 paises con mas gordeza, y somos el numero 9 por ser gordo. si tenemos el fast food y todo eso, ?cual es el problema con los demas 8 paises? claro que comemos demasiado, como yo hago cada dia, pero tendra que hacer otro problema, u otra causa a este problema. ?porque estan gordos los otros paises si no tienen el fast food y la vida como la nuestra? tal vez la genetica?
Something I like to remind people is that the Body Mass Index that we use to determine if people are overweight is very relative. And more importantly being overweight is not always an unhealthy weight. Personally I am about a 27-28 BMI but I am actually quite healthy and have a body build that warrants my weight. The US has a large culture of athletes who are very healthy but through their training have developed muscle mass sufficient to land them squarely in the overweight or even obese categories. I am not saying that we shouldn't be worried or that I wouldn't like to lose some weight. Just that we need to not jump to conclusions based on a statistic that is so vague.
Who were the other 8 countries anyways?
I totally overeat. My husband is a wonderful cook, and I often eat his food until I absolutely can't eat another bite. It's made a cumulative difference in my waistline since we've been married, too!
Landon's comment makes me feel a little better about things, though. I agree that the weight scales are very skewed in the US. For example, my sister was hospitalized at the age of 15 for anorexia. When my parents first took her to the doctor, the doctor said that she saw no need to worry about anorexia, as Kate was well within her ideal weight range. The truth is that her ribs were protruding through her large skeleton and that her resting pulse was 30.
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