
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

School of the Americas

So I have been doing my final paper about Torture in Central America.  Erin pointed me towards the School of the Americas.  Basically, it was (and is but under a different name) a military school ran by the US that has been accused of teaching methods leading to human rights violations.  According to Wikipedia page, there are some pretty high profile people that can be called products of the school.  I found a great site at http://www.soaw.org/ which publicizes a lot of the allegations surrounding the school.  Pretty interesting stuff.


1 comment:

A Sweater Friend said...

So I keep a blog of links and thoughts that have to do with politics. I re-posted this on there and had a response to it by a public affairs official from the school.


Kind of surprising.