
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

video sobre los mayas

hagan click
es un video de youtube.
45 ish minutes long
completamente en español pero muy interesante.

Friday, March 25, 2011

El Mirador, Guatemala-Saving the Cradle of Mayan Civilization


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

American foreign policy ;)


Saturday, March 19, 2011

¡Todo el mundo tiene una gran vacaciones de primavera!

Monday, March 14, 2011

I was watching Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" tonight. He was in Nicaragua and went to Chureca and just sat and watched the trash pickers (some third generation). He talked about how upsetting it is to see that and how it makes him mad because he travels and tries new foods and has an extravagant life and then there are people out there who live like that. He also went to Managua and saw the place where people were tortured and treated like animals. Seriously, they were kept in a cage with animals. I thought it was great that there was an episode showing the real life in a country where most of the time only the beaches are talked about.

When I searched for a video of the episode, or even a small clip summing up the trip, I couldn't find one. The only videos I found were tourist videos and a clip of the Anthony Bourdain show, showing only a part where he at some food there. If there are any videos out there, they are hard to come by. I find it apalling.


En la clase de Interpretive Spanish estamos viendo la pelicula Machuca.
Es muy interestante. :D
No es de centroamerica pero a mi, me encanta.
Hay que verla.

Enlace de Wiki
Trailer en Youtube

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Modern Costa Rica.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lori Berenson Released

Lori Berenson is an American woman sentenced in 1996 at the age of 26 to life in prison in Peru, convicted of abetting the "terrorist" M.R.T.A. organization. The M.R.T.A. was formed to oppose the Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso), a violent group desiring revolution and associated with the Communist Party of Peru. She asserts that while she knew her associates were members of the group, she did not know about their more violent activities. In 2003 she was given a new trial and put up for parole, which she received in 2010. She is now required to stay in Peru until 2015.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

La guerra contra drogas

Un artículo en The Wall Street Journal, 26 de Febrero, 2011 describe una frente nueva en la guerra contra drogas. Los Zetas, bandas armadas de los cuarteles se han movida y operan en Guatemala. El Presidente de Guatemala, Avaro Colom, envió cientos de soldados a combatir los. Colom dijo que el país enfrente una invasión de los cuarteles poderosos de México. Aunque Guatemala empieza una campaña en contra de los narco-traficantes, el país ojala que no tenga la misma violencia como en México donde más de 34,000 personas han sido matadas en la guerra.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Buscan activar turismo en los Nonualcos

Aqui es un video sobre llamado, "Buscan activar turismo en los Nonualcos" para ver.


Gadafi dijo a aceptar la oferta venezolana de Ayuda Qaddafo


Los maya católicos: el Sincretismo en Guatemala.

Este es un sitio sobre el sincretismo en Guatemala.
Es breve pero nos muestra un poco de la religión maya-católica.

hagan clic

Espero que disfruten. :D

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Did anyone else hear about the ATF "letting guns walk" across the border? The guns are being used by drug cartels and a border patrol agent has come forth to tell everyone about it. I couldn't believe it! I'm posting a link to the story on the CBS Evening News website.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rigoberta Menchu CV

This is a CV from her own site:


Testimonial Literature

This book contains an interesting explanation of the distinction between autobiography and testimonial literature:
