El Silencio de Neto demuestra una perspectiva distinta de lo que yo esperaba. Me gustó que pudimos aprender sobre el impacto de la revolución desde la perspectiva de un niño imaginativo como Neto. Al experimentar los cambios en el país de aquel tiempo de esta manera, aprende sobre el impacto más con respeto a la familia que a la nación en si. Por éso me gustó la película.
The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.

The Official Blog for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Spanish 4362/Language 7313.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sandino's influence
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Después De Las Bombas
Eye Opening Education
Saturday, May 29, 2010
El Silencio de Neto
I thought this movie was very well done. When I first read what the movie was about, I basically thought it was just gonna be a movie based on the history of Guatemala for two hours. However the movie was very interesting and enjoyable to watch. The filmmaker did a great job in making a good story but also showing how it would have been to live in Guatemala during that time.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Class 5/26
Thank you!
My email is: aubriesmyth@gmail.com
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
El silencio de Neto y Cenizas de Izalco
Excellent posts!
Miguel, I have been thinking about your question today about whether or not there are Central American texts published with conservative viewpoints about what has happened over the last century. If there are, they have not made it into the canon, which, remember, is formed by academics. I did think of a few conservative texts from the early twentieth century: Pedro Joaquin Cuadra Chamorro (father/uncle to Pablo Antonio Cuadra, one of the founders of the Anti-Academia; also patriarch of powerful Chamorro family) published very conservative novels that served as comportment manuals for young Nicaraguan women. These were _Las dos mujeres_ (192?) and three short novels, "El manto de Jesus", "El gobierno del hijo prodigo" and "Los tres azotes del diablo" (1927). There was also a comportment manual, _La mujer y el hogar_ by Manuel Rosales (Guat) published in 1930 that was apparently well-received throughout the isthmus. It was also common to see protests and complaints about the Nueva Mujer in periodicals throughout the 1920s and 30s.
In 1936, Somoza published a scathing biography of Sandino titled, _El verdadero Sandino_. He meant to discredit the hero that he martyred.
Ediciones F & G in Guatemala published Odette Arzu's memoir in three volumes as a document of the privileged lives and perspectives of the Guatemalan oligarchy. Although it reads like a novela rosa, this text has historical value in that gives us such a perspective in bound print.
I will have to think of and investigate more examples.
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how much have we really changed?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Another Point of View
Bananos y Hombres

Se que hable un poco de esto en la clase de hoy pero queria ensenarles una photo de bananos. Me hace pensar en como Carmen Lyra quise que los demas vieron que la naturaleza trata de proteger a sus "frutas" y que los humanos no hagan lo mismo por sus "frutas." Tristemente las cosas no han cambiado desde los 1930's. Hay mucha explotacion de personas. Aun hoy hay personas en los Estados Unidos que trabajan en los campos de fruta y verdurda por todo los Estados Unidos. I remember when there was a huge movement about helping the migrant workers, who were being paid poorly and maltreated, have better lives. People boycotted certain food establishments. There are probably many other things that we should avoid and boycott to help stop inhumane treatment of other humans. Not only do we have issues with cosas de agricola pero there are sweatshops and other types of labor in other countries that make the clothes we see in stores and on commercials. Even if we just treated each other fairly in doing business and other daily interaction the world would be better. Si todos apreciaramos y vigilaramos a los ceres humanos como la naturaleza a sus frutos, quizas tendriamos un mundo mejor. Lastima que las cosas no son asi. Entiendo mejor poque los periodistas, poetas y escritores ahnelaban una sociedad utpica.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
U.S. policy in Central America
Saturday, May 22, 2010
La Loba
Popul Vuh
Murals, carvings, and paintings have been found all over the Mayan region with depictions from the Popol Vuh. Depictions of Xibalba are often found, especially on tombs of the Mayan rulers. It is also interesting to see how many important aspects of Mayan life are in the Popol Vuh. For example, the ball game was very important to the Maya, and had a lot of religious implications. The stories of the hero twins also involve sacrifice, which was important to the Maya, and the stories also involve maize, which was very important to the diet of the Maya.
I am very glad we got to watch the video, although I have learned about the Popol Vuh in other classes, I was never able to see how the entire story fits together like we were able to do in the video. The video helped me understand parts of the Mayan life that I wasnt even able to fully learn in other classes dedicated solely to study the Maya.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Popol Vuh
Lo que me llama la atención en el Popol Vuh es que estas leyendas me parecen muy semejantes a las leyendas de los indígenas del sur de Estados Unidos. Por eso, investigo un poco los imágenes que parecen en los artefactos. Mientras, por supuesto, hay diferencias en los cuentos y el juego con la pelota no existe en EEUU, el uso de las imágenes, especialmente la naturaleza y los animales, acerca el uso de los Hopi y los Navajo (por ejemplo). Sé que estas tribus compartían una ruta comercial, sin embargo, me sorpresa que los colores y las representaciones de gente, dioses, animales y plantas refleja las que he visto en el suroeste.
En caso de que ustedes quieran ver el video de la clase, está en partes en http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=993B4EACD2CEDCA0
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
La Loba
Punto de Vista
Leyendas de Guatemala forced me to trust what I was reading and to turn off my "nonsense" alarm that I have come to use when reading in my second language. It was a stretching text, but in a good way.